The Pikeman's Dog

Loyalty and Bravery at the Eureka Stockade:  Talk, Film and Music

The Pikeman's Dog       The Pikeman's Dog

The Pikeman’s Dog – a story of loyalty, bravery and spirit at the Eureka Stockade.

Formerly unknown, the legend of the Pikeman’s Dog can now be told.  Historian Paul Williams, of Ballarat, Victoria, wrote the book entitled ‘The True Story of the Pikeman’s Dog at the Eureka Stockade: The Rebel’s Dog with the Royal Award’.  From this book, and from the request by Paul Williams for The Bard to write a song, The Bard produced a rich and moving ballad that not only tells the story of the pikeman’s dog, but more importantly, the ballad is a timely reminder about the meaning of the Eureka Stockade which is as relevant today as it was back in 1854; that our rights are not allowed to slowly disappear.   The Bard is making a special appearance to perform his ballad 'The Pikeman's Dog'.

Special Guest Dr Joseph Toscano is the National Convenor for the "Reclaim the Radical Spirit of the Eureka Rebellion" celebration, held every year in Ballarat on the site of the actual Eureka Stockade.  Dr Toscano is widely researched on Australian history and especially versed in stories of Australia's past that are not widely known to the general public, including a significant knowledge of indigenous history, which also has a large part to play in the Eureka Stockade story.  Dr Toscano and his wife artist Ellen Jose (RIP 2017) are VIP guests of the evening.

Dr Joseph Toscano and Ellen Jose

VIP Guests Dr Joseph Toscano and
Ellen Jose (RIP 2017)

The Pikeman's Dog combines music, film and a talk on this moving story of the innocent terrier who never let its guard down within the midst of one of the bloodiest battles for citizen rights Australia has ever had. 

“Eureka is our history, don’t let it slip away, for once again we’re ruled by iron fist as on that day.”

Special Guest

Talk by
Dr Joseph Toscano, National Convenor for the
"Reclaim the Radical Spirit of the Eureka Rebellion" celebration

Music by The Bard accompanied by Martyn Cook

The Bard

The Bard   

'Underlying Rights'
An impressionistic exploration of the Eureka Stockade in its modern setting.

This show was premiered on

7pm. Saturday 5th December 2015
81-83 Katoomba St, Katoomba  NSW  2780
$25 (with supper)
Inquiries regarding documentation and archives on this show

The Pikeman's Dog poster is designed by Ellen Jose - November 2015

Presented by Solferino Cinemas, Curator/Director Aanya Mary